Le puerh (pu'er) est une famille de thé particulière, probablement parmi les plus nobles et cultivée depuis la nuit des temps dans les régions montagneuses du Yunnan, à l'extrême sud de la Chine. Contrairement à la grande majorité des thés produits à partir de jeunes plantes maintenues à l'état d'arbustes, le puerh (pu'er) provient traditionnellement de véritables arbres matures, pouvant atteindre plusieurs mètres et parfois âgés de plusieurs centaines d'années voir pour les arbres les plus anciens de plus de 1000 ans.
Exclusivement cultivé dans le Yunnan, se côtoie dans cette région une incroyable richesse de terroirs, essentiellement répartis dans les régions de Lincang, Pu'er et Xishuangbanna et une incroyable multitude d'arômes et de caractères.
Outre l'origine des arbres, les feuilles de puerh (pu'er) sont travaillées de manière spécifique et en suivant un savoir faire très ancien. Tout ceci confère à ce thé, non seulement une richesse aromatique exceptionnelle et unique, mais aussi un certain nombre de bienfaits aujourd'hui mis en
évidence par différentes études scientifiques, telles qu'une baisse significative du taux de cholestérol, des triglycérides, un potentiel à favoriser la perte de poids ou encore une éventuelle action bénéfique dans la prévention de certains cancers.
Mais bien plus que cela, ce que ce thé a de plus unique est probablement, tel le vin, sa faculté à se transformer et se bonifier avec les années. Spécialité des régions de Taiwan et de Hong Kong, qui ont poussé au plus loin l'art de faire vieillir le puerh et où se trouve le plus gros marché du thé ancien, la richesse des terroirs du Yunnan se décline ainsi de millésime en millésime, produisant un panel d'arômes sans limite en fonction de l'origine du thé, de son âge et des conditions (lieux) de son stockage.
Le thé puerh (pu'er) est ainsi, tel l'est le vin rouge en France, un produit complexe, issu d'un savoir faire et d'une culture millénaire, et l'on trouve sur le marché plusieurs dizaines de milliers de références, au caractère et à la qualité très variables.
Ces thés jouissent ainsi en Asie d'une culture très riche, fortement influencée par la culture locale et encore très peu sortie des frontières de la Chine. De la connaissance de la multitude des terroirs du Yunnan et de leur spécificités, aux méthodes de culture, de production et compression des feuilles, en passant bien entendu par la connaissance des millésimes passés et des processus de vieillissement de ce thé, cela constitue un vaste terrain de recherche et demande pour être maîtrisé des années d'études, théoriques et sur le terrain, auxquelles aujourd'hui peu d'occidentaux ont pu avoir accès.
Notre mission
D'une richesse fabuleuse, le puerh est ainsi un domaine dans lequel il est difficile de se retrouver sans un certain savoir ou sans avoir recours à un véritable expert. Notre entreprise, experte en la matière et basée au plus près de cette culture est ainsi engagée pour vous servir, dans le conseil, l'expertise, et la vente de thé puerh, que vous soyez amateur passionné ou professionnel du thé.
Nous sommes pour cela basés en Asie, avec une présence permanente en Chine continentale dans le Yunnan, où le puerh est produit ainsi qu'a Hong Kong et Taiwan ou se trouvent les plus grosses collections et stocks de thés anciens.
Au delà d'une simple proximité géographique, nous sommes par ailleurs fortement engagés dans une approche éthique visant au respect du produit, des producteurs et de la culture qui entoure ce thé, et nous suivons notamment une charte stricte quant à la production et à la vente de thé. De plus nous reversons une part non négligeable de nos bénéfices à la recherche sur ce thé, en vue d'une meilleure compréhension des terroirs d'où ils proviennent, de l'histoire, des méthodes, des coutumes et des pratiques passées et présentes dont provient ce thé unique.
Sourcing pesonnalisé
Jouissant d'une parfaite connaissance du domaine, d'un large réseau et d'un positionnement géographique stratégique, nous vous proposons le sourcing de produits fins, directement chez les producteurs (pour les jeunes thés) ou dans les meilleurs stocks de Chine, Hong Kong et Taiwan pour les produits anciens.
Outre nos sélections grand public et professionnelle, nous nous sommes forgés depuis des années un des plus larges réseaux de producteurs, fournisseurs, et stocks à travers l'Asie et nous sommes en mesure de vous conseiller et de vous procurer le thé qu'il vous faut, parmi des dizaines de milliers de références de thé jeunes et anciens.
Ne soyez ainsi plus dépendant des choix, limités et souvent maladroits que vous trouvez dans votre pays et profitez de ce que la Chine peut vous offrir de mieux, et de plus adapté à vos besoins.
De plus, afin de coller au plus juste avec les besoins les plus exigeants, et si vous ne trouviez pas ce qu'il vous faut dans les productions disponibles sur le marché chinois, nous sommes en mesure de faire produire pour vous et par de petits producteurs locaux des thés de haute qualité répondant à vos attentes.
La maîtrise pointue du domaine du puerh demande non seulement une présence locale permanente mais aussi un large panel de connaissances pratiques et théoriques, et il est difficile pour le non spécialiste exigeant de s'y retrouver.
C'est pourquoi nous vous proposons nos services d'experts, que vous soyez un salon de thé, un restaurant, une boutique de thé ou un amateur passionné, afin de vous assister dans le choix et la définition d'une gamme de thé adapté à votre projet.
De l'analyse de vos besoins et de l'attente de votre clientèle, à la définition de votre carte et à la recherche des thés qui seront adaptés à ces besoins, voir à la production de produits spécifiquement pour votre projet, nous serons le partenaire idéal de votre projet et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour nous en parler!
Formation et visites des terroirs
En professionnel exigeant, vous désirez aller plus loin dans votre connaissance du puerh et des terroirs du Yunnan?
Nous pouvons vous proposer, ou proposer à vos employés, un stage de formation complet en Mandarin, Cantonais, Anglais ou Français, dans nos locaux au cœur même du Yunnan. Vous y acquerriez le nécessaire théorique et pratique afin de comprendre les grandes lignes de l'univers du puerh, choisir, conseiller, vendre et présenter vos thés.
Nous proposons aussi aux plus exigeants, et à ceux qui désirent remonter à l'origine de leur thé la visite de différents terroirs et jardins à thé situés dans de prestigieuses montagnes du Xishuangbanna, Lincang ou Pu'Er (Simao). Vous y découvrirez non seulement les différents arbres d'où proviennent les thés puerh, mais aussi les méthodes de travail qui accompagnent la production de ces thés et les producteurs qui font perdurer cette culture millénaire.
Vous ne pouvez vous déplacer où vous êtes à la recherche d'une formation pour une équipe complète ou un grand nombre d'employés?
Nous pouvons aussi nous déplacer dans votre propre pays, et vous y proposer nos services d'expertise et de formation "à domicile".
Contactez nous pour en parler!
recherche permanente
La connaissance n'est jamais une chose établie.
La Chine a vécu une histoire mouvementée et n'a connu que tardivement le développement dont ont bénéficié d'autres pays, et encore aujourd'hui de nombreuses zones de l'histoire et de la culture du puerh restent floues.
Parallèlement à notre activité de conseil et de vente, nous soutenons ainsi différents projets de recherches, afin d'aller toujours plus loin dans la compréhension de la culture des thés du Yunnan, et de faire partager cette connaissance.
Nous investissons pour cela continuellement une part importante de nos bénéfices dans différents projets de recherche sur la culture du thé, visant notamment à une meilleure compréhension des montagnes à thé du Yunnan et des terroirs qu'elles renferment, mais aussi du passé de cette culture.
contactez nous
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question, nous reviendrons vers vous dans les plus brefs délais.
(Nous répondons à vos messages en Mandarin, Cantonnais, Anglais et Français)
Puerh (pu'er) is a particular tea family, probably among the more prestigious, which has been grown from ancient times in the mountainous areas of Yunnan, in the extreme south of China.
Unlike the majority of teas which are produced from young plants and maintained in a bush state, puehr (pu'er) tea is traditionally from real mature trees. These one can be up to several meters high and are sometimes several hundreds years old, or even a thousand for the oldest.
Exclusively grown in Yunnan, we can find in this area an incredible variety of terroirs, mainly located in the Lincang, Pu'Er (Simao) and Xishaungbanna area, from which result an amazing multitude of aromas and characters.
Beyond the origin of these tea trees, the puerh (pu'er) leaves are also worked in specific ways, following old savoir faire and traditions. All of this giveS to this tea an aromatic and unique wealth, but also a certain amount of beneficial effect. This has been researches and documented several scientific studies. We now know that a regular consumption of puerh tea can help in decreasing the cholesterol level, triglyceride level, and can help losing weight or prevent some cancers.
What is probably the most unique aspect of this tea is, like wine, its ability to evolve and become better with time. This have been especially developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong areas, where the art of aging tea has been extensively practiced, and where there is still a large market of old teas. the diversity of Yunnan terroirs, shade according to the vintage, and produce an endless panel of aromas...
Puerh (pu'er) tea is like that of red wine in France. It is a complex product resulting from a more than one thousand year old culture and knowledge and man can find today tens of thousands of different puerh teas, with very variable quality and characters.
These teas have in Asia a very rich culture. It is strongly influenced by local culture which until now hadn’t gone much outside Chinese borders. Puerh knowledge, including the knowledge of the multitude of Yunnan terroirs, farming culture, production and leaf transformations, but also the knowledge of the vintages teas and aging process, constitute a wide research field and require years of theoretical studies and field studies to master.
Our mission
Puerh tea is a rich and fabulous universe in which it is difficult to locate, without some specific knowledge or without the help of a real expert. Our company, an expert in this domain and based on the earth of this culture is here to help you, in the analysis, advice and tea trading.
We are here for that. We are based in Asia with a permanent presence in Yunnan, mainland china, where the puerh is produced, but also in Hong Kong and Taiwan, where we are located for the wider collection of stocks of aged teas.
Beyond a simple geographic proximity, we are also strongly involved in an ethic approach focused on the respect of the product of the producer and of the local culture. In this way we follow a strict chart about the production and the trading of tea. More than that, we are supporting tea research by investing a part of our benefits in different research programs, in order to allow for the future of better understanding puerh tea terroirs, methods, and customs of today and from the past.
Personal sourcing
Due to a perfect understanding of the domain, a wide professional network and a strategic location, we are able to propose to you the sourcing of high quality products, direct from the producer (for young teas) or in the best stock of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for aged teas.
Outside our general public selections and professional selections we have also built, year after year, a wide network of producers, suppliers and stock in asia and we are able to advice you and to find for you, the tea you need, among tens of thousands of references of young and aged teas.
Do not be dependent on the choices of product you can find in your country, limited and often clumsy, but enjoy the best of what China can provide.
Even more, in order to be as close as possible to the more exigent needs, if you need some specific products that are not available on the market, we are able to make produce by little local producers for the exact teas that you could want.
Expert advice
A deep puerh tea understanding requireS a permanent local presence, but also a wide range of practical and theoretical knowledge, and it is difficult for a non specialist to know where it is and what to choose.
That is exactly why we propose you our expert service, which could be precious for you if you are a tea house, restaurant, a tea shop, or a passionated tea gourmet. We will be your perfect partner to assist you in the choice and the definition of a tea sideline adapted to your project.
From the analysis of your need and the wantS of your customers, to the definition of your tea list and the research of the most adapted teas, and even if you need the production of a specific product for your project, we will be the ideal partner of your project. Please don't hesitate to contact us to speak about your plans.
Education and terroir visit
As an exigent professional, you want to go farther in your knowledge about puerh and Yunnan terroirs?
We can propose to you, or propose to your employee, a complete training session in Mandarin, Cantonese, English or French where we are based, in the province of Yunnan. It will allow you to learn enough practical and theoretical knowledge to understand the main lines of the puerh universe, choose, advice, sell and present your teas.
To the most exigent, to these ones who want to go to the sources of their teas, we can also propose you the visit of several terroirs and tea gardens located in the most prestigious mountains of Xishaungbanna, Lincang or Pu'Er (Simao). You will discover the different trees from which these teas are from. also the working methods which allow the puerh to to be so unique and of course meeting the producers thanks to who this antique culture is still alive.
If You can not come here or you are looking for training for a complete team or an important number of employeeS then we can come to your country and educate and give expert advice services "at home". Please contact us to speak about that.
Knowledge is never something acquired.
China has had a complex history and did not experience the development of some others countries. Even today numerous zones of puerh history and puerh culture are still A blur.
In parallel with our advice and trading activity we are supporting several research projects in order to always go farther in the understanding of Yunnan tea culture, and to share this knowledge.
We are investing continuously as an important part of our benefits in several research projects concerning tea culture.
Puerh (pu'er) is a particular tea family, probably among the more prestigious, which has been grown from ancient times in the mountainous areas of Yunnan, in the extreme south of China.
Unlike the majority of teas which are produced from young plants and maintained in a bush state, puehr (pu'er) tea is traditionally from real mature trees. These one can be up to several meters high and are sometimes several hundreds years old, or even a thousand for the oldest.
Exclusively grown in Yunnan, we can find in this area an incredible variety of terroirs, mainly located in the Lincang, Pu'Er (Simao) and Xishaungbanna area, from which result an amazing multitude of aromas and characters.
Beyond the origin of these tea trees, the puerh (pu'er) leaves are also worked in specific ways, following old savoir faire and traditions. All of this giveS to this tea an aromatic and unique wealth, but also a certain amount of beneficial effect. This has been researches and documented several scientific studies. We now know that a regular consumption of puerh tea can help in decreasing the cholesterol level, triglyceride level, and can help losing weight or prevent some cancers.
What is probably the most unique aspect of this tea is, like wine, its ability to evolve and become better with time. This have been especially developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong areas, where the art of aging tea has been extensively practiced, and where there is still a large market of old teas. the diversity of Yunnan terroirs, shade according to the vintage, and produce an endless panel of aromas...
Puerh (pu'er) tea is like that of red wine in France. It is a complex product resulting from a more than one thousand year old culture and knowledge and man can find today tens of thousands of different puerh teas, with very variable quality and characters.
These teas have in Asia a very rich culture. It is strongly influenced by local culture which until now hadn’t gone much outside Chinese borders. Puerh knowledge, including the knowledge of the multitude of Yunnan terroirs, farming culture, production and leaf transformations, but also the knowledge of the vintages teas and aging process, constitute a wide research field and require years of theoretical studies and field studies to master.
Our mission
Puerh tea is a rich and fabulous universe in which it is difficult to locate, without some specific knowledge or without the help of a real expert. Our company, an expert in this domain and based on the earth of this culture is here to help you, in the analysis, advice and tea trading.
We are here for that. We are based in Asia with a permanent presence in Yunnan, mainland china, where the puerh is produced, but also in Hong Kong and Taiwan, where we are located for the wider collection of stocks of aged teas.
Beyond a simple geographic proximity, we are also strongly involved in an ethic approach focused on the respect of the product of the producer and of the local culture. In this way we follow a strict chart about the production and the trading of tea. More than that, we are supporting tea research by investing a part of our benefits in different research programs, in order to allow for the future of better understanding puerh tea terroirs, methods, and customs of today and from the past.
Personal sourcing
Due to a perfect understanding of the domain, a wide professional network and a strategic location, we are able to propose to you the sourcing of high quality products, direct from the producer (for young teas) or in the best stock of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for aged teas.
Outside our general public selections and professional selections we have also built, year after year, a wide network of producers, suppliers and stock in asia and we are able to advice you and to find for you, the tea you need, among tens of thousands of references of young and aged teas.
Do not be dependent on the choices of product you can find in your country, limited and often clumsy, but enjoy the best of what China can provide.
Even more, in order to be as close as possible to the more exigent needs, if you need some specific products that are not available on the market, we are able to make produce by little local producers for the exact teas that you could want.
Expert advice
A deep puerh tea understanding requireS a permanent local presence, but also a wide range of practical and theoretical knowledge, and it is difficult for a non specialist to know where it is and what to choose.
That is exactly why we propose you our expert service, which could be precious for you if you are a tea house, restaurant, a tea shop, or a passionated tea gourmet. We will be your perfect partner to assist you in the choice and the definition of a tea sideline adapted to your project.
From the analysis of your need and the wantS of your customers, to the definition of your tea list and the research of the most adapted teas, and even if you need the production of a specific product for your project, we will be the ideal partner of your project. Please don't hesitate to contact us to speak about your plans.
Education and terroir visit
As an exigent professional, you want to go farther in your knowledge about puerh and Yunnan terroirs?
We can propose to you, or propose to your employee, a complete training session in Mandarin, Cantonese, English or French where we are based, in the province of Yunnan. It will allow you to learn enough practical and theoretical knowledge to understand the main lines of the puerh universe, choose, advice, sell and present your teas.
To the most exigent, to these ones who want to go to the sources of their teas, we can also propose you the visit of several terroirs and tea gardens located in the most prestigious mountains of Xishaungbanna, Lincang or Pu'Er (Simao). You will discover the different trees from which these teas are from. also the working methods which allow the puerh to to be so unique and of course meeting the producers thanks to who this antique culture is still alive.
If You can not come here or you are looking for training for a complete team or an important number of employeeS then we can come to your country and educate and give expert advice services "at home". Please contact us to speak about that.
Knowledge is never something acquired.
China has had a complex history and did not experience the development of some others countries. Even today numerous zones of puerh history and puerh culture are still A blur.
In parallel with our advice and trading activity we are supporting several research projects in order to always go farther in the understanding of Yunnan tea culture, and to share this knowledge.
We are investing continuously as an important part of our benefits in several research projects concerning tea culture.